Frequently Asked Questions

Insurance and Fees
Most office visits, including OMT, FSM, group visits and telemedicine, are covered as a usual visit by your insurance company. There will be services that you may choose that are not covered and will need to be paid at time of service. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance company to see what services are covered.

BFM Membership
Our BFM Membership program offers membership plans that provide a variety of services and discounts to our members. These services are in addition to your usual medical care provided by Dr. Worden and not included in the cost of the office visit. Our membership plan is a "Hybrid" plan offering lower cost memberships while still billing insurance for in network plans.

Can Dr. Worden or Dr Bowman be my PCP?
Many patients do not understand the administrative role being a "PCP" is. Our goal is to focus time and energy on helping you, not doing administrative work for the insurance companies.
We will require that you maintain your primary care physician (PCP) for routine screening exams such as pap smears, colonoscopies, prostate exams, etc. and for urgent situations requiring immediate care or hospitalization. We are happy to work collaboratively with your PCP and/or specialists .

How do I schedule an appointment?
If you are a current patient, you will want to schedule my sending a message through the Charm patient portal, calling or texting the office (503) 831-9231. If you are a previous or new patient, our staff will contact you to schedule your first appointment once all paperwork has been completed.

What is a micropractice?
A micropractice is a medical practice that generally runs with few (or no) staff and utilize technology to keep overhead low which allows the physician to see fewer patients and spend more time with each one. I want to get to know you and your family and spend time developing relationships instead of on the "treadmill" of the production-based model of health care.